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How does Rainy Day Rewards work ?


Redeem your points for free gift cards!

Redeem your Rainy Day Rewards points for gift cards from great partners like Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Steam and more!...

Invite friends and earn points

You can earn additional points for each friend who signs up for Rainy Day Rewards via your invitation! Spread the word and earn unlimited referral points.


About Us

Rainy Day Rewards is an app that lets you earn free gift cards by simply trying out great new offers from our advertisers!

You can try out a fun new app for your phone or tablet, watch videos, play a new game or take a quick survey — and you’ll be rewarded for it!


We're giving away millions in free gift cards!



Most all Featured Offer apps and all Standard Offer apps will reward you for installing and opening any downloaded app. Be sure to launch the app and use it for at least a minute in order for the credit to appear.  The app is then yours to use and enjoy!



The more you engage with our Featured Offers, the more points you earn! Install the apps that look interesting to you and use them to maximize your rewards. Open and use your new apps and watch your points increase.



Each Featured Offer you install and keep on your device scores you more points. The longer you retain the app, the more you earn.
